Lifesharing for Children Toolkit

A collection of resources to assist stakeholders as they consider establishing, using, or providing Lifesharing services for children.



Expanding Lifesharing Opportunities for Children. Presented by Nancy Rosenau, PhD and Rachel Mann, Esq, of the Imagine Different Coalition, this training was responsive to informational needs identified by providers, SCs, MCOs, and families through the course of focus groups held as part of the Allegheny Expanding Lifesharing Opportunities (ELO) project. Topics covered include: parent perspectives on needs of children and families, recent changes in relevant state policy, children’s waiver eligibility, Lifesharing considerations for children and families, recruitment strategies, and EPSDT services and their intersection with waiver services. This 1.5 hour training, linked below in two parts, was hosted by the Imagine Different Coalition together with Allegheny County’s Promising Practice Team. The Powerpoint slides can be accessed here.

Part I. Lifesharing for Children

Part II. Children's Resources Explained